Getting ready to perform in WSU's concerto night 2015 I love to sing! It is something I have always loved and a talent I have developed throughout my life thanks to my amazing parents and teachers. I have learned many life lessons along the way as I've learned how to sing. One of the greatest lessons I've learned is to be confident in myself and my abilities. I think we all struggle with confidence at times. I know I do. The main thing I struggle with is confusing confidence with pride. I thought growing up that I was being prideful if I believed I was good at something. Actually, I'm still growing up and still get confused over the matter! In fact last Thursday night is when the whole pride vs. confidence thing really became clear to me, thanks to an amazing choral conductor I get to work with. I am currently singing in a community choir in Provo called Millennial Choirs and Orchestras. It is an amazing choir. I am super impressed with the quality of the direct...